
Discovering Secret Worlds: Intro to Painting Realistic Butterflies

Come learn the ancient multilayered technique of grisaille underpainting and glazing to reproduce realistic butterflies!


I’ve spent the last few years doing a deep dive into the techniques used by the sottobosco or forest floor painters of the Dutch Golden Age, and I can’t wait to share all the tips and tricks I’ve learned at this exclusive workshop at Studio Georgeville. Contact Studio Georgville by email or phone to reserve a spot!

A Fundraiser for Old Growth

A Night in an Enchanted Forest was an open studio, masquerade and fundraiser which coincided with the Feb 25th protests in Victoria BC to end old growth logging.  A campaign was launched for the event on Fundrazr to win the painting of two polyphemus moths, 460$ was raised and doanted to the Dzunuk’wa Society.  

Check out my blog Paint it Black Pepper!

Delicious Paintings of Delicious Recipes!

Beasties and Marvels Exhibit

Sylvia Rack discussing her exhibition currently running at Le Vieux Forgeron. Beasties and Marvels will run until August 8th.


Sept 26 Shoe Strike Installation

A group of parents set up an installation showcasing scores of children’s shoes to symbolize the carbon footprint current generations are leaving for their kids.